This page is regard as google ads's GDPR guideline.
as far as go, We gogosite(or I as developer) does not care about your privacy information because We do not collect any so called 'privacy information(which mean some people get mad if other gets thier data)' for this site's fuctionality.
We do use cookie to store your preference setting to automatically move to destination site when enter, which is one of reason why this site's Title is gogosite. but that cookie information is no near to that privacy information.
and Be noted that other than functionality We do use microsoft's clarity and google's analistic service to connect the data how you interact with this site and such other information. but I rarly visit those service cause most of problem is comming from google's SEO, so I ensure you that even private information may collect to those(as far as I know there's no such thing but you never sure about that) services, I do not care about them.
and about google ads GDPR thing. It is certainly between you(as user) and google. We gogosite do not care about what's going on between you and google.
if you are korean which this site's main target audience. actually every page of this site, there's notice of google ads's targeted ad campain at bottom of page.